Dryer Vent Cleaning
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Dryer Vent Cleaning – When To Call
- Laundry takes more than one cycle to dry.
- Less lint in the trap than when it was new.
- Lint collecting at the door seal.
- Lint collecting behind the dryer.
- Musty odor or smell in laundry area
- Faulty or failed dryer sensor
- Newer smart dryer detects a clog in the vent.

Dryer Vent Cleaning – The Big Sky Chimney Advantage Is your dryer taking too long to dry you clothes and laundry? Are you worried about potential fire hazards from lint buildup? Don’t wait! Big Sky Chimney delivers professional dryer vent cleaning throughout the Bozeman area covering Gallatin County, Madison County and Park County of Montana. Dryer vent cleaning can safeguard your home and improve your dryer’s efficiency. Our expert technicians clear out dangerous lint blockages throughout your venting system, ensuring optimal airflow. With a clean dryer vent, you’ll enjoy faster drying times, lower energy bills, and peace of mind knowing your home is safe from fire hazards.
Dryer Vent Cleaning – Benefits
Increased dryer Efficiency
Dryer vent cleaning removes the lint left in your dryer vent leaving the dryer vent to do its job as intended. As lint slowly increases in the dryer vent, so does your drying time. This increases your cost of drying your laundry, and also causes additional unnecessary wear on your clothes.
Prevent Dryer Fires
The leading cause of home clothes dryer fires is failure to clean them. Clothes Dryers were responsible for more than 73,000 fires over a 5 year period. As lint slowly increases in the dryer vent, so does your drying time. This increases your cost of drying your laundry, and also causes additional wear on your clothes. Our team provides professional dryer vent cleaning in the Bozeman, Big Sky, and Livingston areas. Big Sky Chimney Is your frontline defense against unwanted dryer fires.
Piece of Mind & Safety
When your Dryer Vent is clean and free of lint clogs, your laundry dries faster and costs less to do so bringing you peace of mind that your dryer is operating as efficiently as it can.
How often Should I Have My Dryer Vent Cleaned?
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends that dryer vents be cleaned at least once a year to prevent fires and maintain efficiency to the dryer. How often your drier vent needs to be cleaned really depends on a number of factors, such as length of dryer vent, volume of laundry, number of shedding pets in your home, and the material used to vent your dryer. Call the professionals at Big Sky Chimney for your Dryer Vent Service.
Dryer Vent Cleaning – Statistics from the NFPA on Dryer Vents
- The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reported in March of 2017 the following highlights regarding home fires involving clothes dryers and washing machines.
- In 2010-2014, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated average of 15,970 home structure fires involving clothes dryers or washing machines each year.
- These fires caused annual averages of 13 civilian deaths, 444 civilian injuries, and $238 million in direct property damage.
The vast majority of fires (92%) involved clothes dryers. - The leading items first ignited in dryer fires were dust, fiber or lint (26% of total) and clothing (26%), while items first ignited in washing machine fires were part of the appliance itself, including wire or cable insulation (26%), appliance housing or casing (24%), and drive belt (11%).